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DISCO makes your skills visible!
How to Use the DISCO Thesaurus

Welcome to the help pages of the DISCO website. Here you will find detailed information about how the Thesaurus Explorer and Documents Profiler function.

Thesaurus Explorer

The Thesaurus Explorer tool is for browsing and searching the DISCO Thesaurus content. It is also the best way to get acquainted with the thesaurus before switching to the Documents Profiler and working with the documents provided.

Note: The DISCO website user interface uses dynamic highlighting for some features. Terms and phrases close to the position of the cursor are highlighted. Sometimes additional icons and commands for highlighted terms and phrases will be shown.
Within the help page, these icons will be referred to as "dynamic highlight icons", and commands will be referred to as "dynamic highlight commands".

The Left Window

Thesaurus language: choose a language from one of the eleven availble DISCO languages. You can switch to another language at any time. You may also use the flags in the upper right hand corner to select a language.

The  icon_tree Term  treeview tab: explore DISCO's hierarchical term structure by clicking on the icon_plus-icons to open subbranches and the icon_minus-icons to close them again. Click directly on a term to display detailed term information in the right window.

icon_tree Phrases treeview tab: this extended version of the Term treeview shows not only the hierarchical term structure, but also the phrases in their hierarchical context and in relation to the terms. Again, the icon_plus- and icon_minus-icons open and close sub-branches, and clicking directly on a term will display detailed term information in the right window.

Additionally, clicking directly on a phrase will display detailed phrase information in the right window.

Two dynamic highlight commands are also available for some terms: "Hide phrases" will hide all phrases attached to a term, which can aid in navigation through the tree structure. "Show phrases" will display all phrases attached to a specific term.

Note: Phrases are currently available only for four domain-specific sectors and portions of non-domain-specific skills and competences. Only those sectors which containing phrases are shown in the phrase treeview tab.

Search Function and Search Result Tabs:

Search: enter a string to search the complete DISCO Thesaurus. Searches are always performed in all languages.

The  icon_results Terms  search results tab: all occurrences of the search string in the DISCO terms and term synonyms are listed here. Click on an entry to display detailed term information in the right window. Click on the treeview-icon (dynamic highlight icon) to switch to the Term treeview tab, which shows the term in its hierarchical context, and displays the detailed term information in the right window.

icon_results Phrases  search results tab: all occurrences of the search string in DISCO phrases, phrase synonyms and sample phrases are listed here. Click on an entry to display detailed phrase information in the right window. Click on the treeview icon (dynamic highlight icon) to switch to the phrase treeview, which shows the phrase in its hierarchical context, and displays the detailed phrase information in the right window.

Use advanced search options: check this option to define precisely which DISCO entries should be considered in the search. Available options are: terms, term synonyms, phrases, phrase synonyms, and sample phrases.

The Right Window

In the Thesaurus Explorer, term and phrase information are displayed in the right window.

Languages selector: select and deselect languages for display of term and phrase information.

Term information shows:
* the selected term in the current thesaurus language. Click on the term to see its hierarchical position in the Term treeview tab.
* synonyms (if available).
* translations of the term into those languages chosen in the "Languages" selector. Click on a translation to switch to a different language in the Term treeview tab and term information.
* attached phrases (if available). Click on a phrase to display it and its according phrase information in the Phrase treeview tab.
* related terms (if available). Click here to show the selected term and its according term information in the Term treeview tab.

Phrase information shows:
* the selected phrase in the current thesaurus language. Click on the phrase to see its hierarchical position in the Phrase treeview tab.
* phrase synonyms (if available).
* sample phrases (only shown if available in the chosen thesaurus language; use "show all info" to view sample phrases in all languages chosen in the "Languages" selector).
* attached terms (the terms to which a phrase is connected).
* translations of the phrase into those languges chosen in the "Languages" selector. Click on a translation to switch to a different language in the Phrase treeview tab and in the phrase information.

Show all info Located in the upper right hand corner of the right window, this feature is only available for phrase information. It provides more detailed information in all selected languages e.g. the attached terms and sample phrases (if available).

Documents Profiler

The documents profiler is a valuable resource for filling in job and qualification-related documents. The following documents are currently available:

1 Europass Certificate Supplement
2 Europass CV
3 Europass Mobility
4 Profile of Occupation
5 Profile of Qualification

Detailed information on Europass documents is available here .

Note: The DISCO website user interface uses dynamic highlighting for some features. Terms and phrases close to the position of the cursor are highlighted. Sometimes additional icons and commands for highlighted terms and phrases will be shown.
Within the help pages these icons will be referred to as "dynamic highlight icons", and commands will be referred to as "dynamic highlight commands".

The leftside window

Document: five different document types are available

Document language: choose a language to work from the 11 available DISCO languages. You can switch to another language at any time. You may also use the flags in the upper right hand corner to select a language.

Load and Save: save the completed document in XML format. You can reload the document in the DISCO document profiler to change and refine its content at any time.

Export word file: exports your document directly to a Word 2007-compatible file so you can conveniently complete your document with text processing software. However, this file cannot be reloaded into the Documents Profiler; if you want to do so, create a DISCO XML file using the Save command.

Print: generates a PDF-file for printing and archiving.

Clear document: clears all content from the current document.

Translate into: choose a language to translate your document.

Working with Your Document
After choosing a document, the left window will show the document title and available document headlines, which can be filled with content from DISCO.

To add content to the document you can either:
* drag & drop items from the right window, drag & drop is available in the treeview and search results tabs
* preselect a headline: move your cursor over the desired document headline and click on the dynamic highlight command "select headline". You can easily add terms and phrases from the right window using the dynamic highlight command "add".

Delete items from your document: click on the x icon on the right side of any item in your document to remove it.

The Right Window

Although the treeview and search result tabs have been moved to the right window, navigation and search function in the same way as in the Thesaurus Explorer. Please see the relevant section above for a detailed description.

Features Specific to the Document Profiler

Show only document-relevant entries: if this option is checked, only those DISCO items most relevant to the current preselected headline will be displayed. For example, if you want to fill in the headline "Language skills and competences acquired" in a Europass CV and this option is checked, you will be presented with a selection of languages only in the right window. If the option remains unchecked, the complete DISCO Thesaurus will be available.

"Info" tab: this tab offers the same possibilites as the right window in the Thesaurus Explorer. It displays detailed information for DISCO terms and phrases; e.g. synonyms, translations, related terms, attached phrases/terms, and sample phrases. To show this information, click on the dynamic highlight icon i on the far right side of the highlighted area.